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Photographer BIO:
Yuhki is a professional photographer who was born in a car in Tokyo, Japan. He is currently based in Perth, Western Australia where he explores a diverse range of photography work with his clients. Outside of his immediate/regular clientele, Yuhki is usually found exploring parts of the world typically not visited by your average person.
On Yuhki’s expeditions he likes to not only test the limits of his gear, but also his body by putting it through harsh weather conditions and fatigue. Yuhki loves the challenge of seeing what he can create with his craft when his body is tested. He believes there is something to be discovered in fight-or-flight circumstances.
Above all, Yuhki holds people and connections close to his heart. He believes that his best work is created when the relationship between him and his clients, as well as nature, is well aligned.
Yuhki has recently started to venture into the realm of content creation on YouTube, exploring bag reviews, tech-related topics, and soon will be exploring lifestyle content, as he is going to have another child. His small, growing family loves nothing more than traveling to see the world while exploring all of their creative endeavors.
Explore Yuhki's gear: